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About Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings

Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings is an established value in the industry. Know-how, experience and service are the foundation of the family business. Whether you choose a project based on precast concrete or a metal construction, the result is always a beautiful, sustainable and robust building that holds its value. 


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The power of a multinational, the heart of a family business

Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings may already be a solid and vast company, but the DNA of a family business remains to this day. This translates into a more personal approach, short communication lines, client-oriented advice and customised guidance. Involvement and trust are the foundations of our successful cooperation.

The importance of a promise

The success of Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings has two basic principles. Firstly, we completely focus on precast concrete as a building material, which results in our unique expertise. Secondly, producing the structural elements in our own factories makes us independent of external suppliers. That's why you can entrust us with the entire construction project and we guarantee quality work completed within budget and on schedule.>

A solid partner

An investment in an industrial building project is based on a long-term vision. So it’s important to be able to count on a construction partner who’s also oriented to the future and highly focused on sustainable enterprise.

Willy Naessens Industriebouw is not only an established name in the industry, we also have very healthy finances. We take our responsibility seriously, now and in the future. Every year, at Willy Naessens Industriebouw we invest in people, machines and buildings and we’ll continue to do so going forward.

A vision of excellence

Willy Naessens Industriebouw excels as an industrial contractor. We are a full-service enterprise that puts you the client at the centre of everything we do. Our strong corporate culture, driven by our focus on human capital, and our expertise built up over many years, contribute to our sustainable business model. Sustainability is also a hallmark of our quality, health, safety and environment policy.

At Willy Naessens Industriebouw, as the most reliable and dedicated partner on the market we always do what we promise. As the market leader in a fast-evolving industry, Willy Naessens Industriebouw blazes a trail with constant innovation.