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Need to build a car park?

Flexible parking facilities with a maximum usage of space is what Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings stand for when designing and building a car park. We always put your wishes first when preparing your custom car park project.

Your car park’s capacity and profitability

Need more parking spaces?
Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings develops and builds functional custom car parks, both above ground and underground. By using various building systems, we can be flexible when it comes to a build, whether it be concrete solutions, steel or a combination of both.

Our challenge is to build as cost effectively as possible in relation to the high level of quality and optimal car park functionality.
By mapping out all the possibilities with you, you can make a well informed decision when it comes to design, efficiency, materials, logistics... for your new custom car park.

4 trends in car park development

Accessibility, multi-functionality, low traffic zones and sustainability. These themes are trending in the world of mobility. These trends and developments are the foundations when Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings is drawing up unique and future proof parking solutions.

1. Modular car parks

Flexibility is a very important aspect.
We have a high building speed and can easily adapt plans to reduce or increase based on parking needs. 

2. Multifunctional use

These days, a request for a parking solution is much more than just a car park development and build. A car park needs to be more multi-functional or have future re-purposing options. This makes usage of space efficient, sustainable and future proof.

3. Sustainable, energy neutral and circular

Sustainability is not just about energy usage. It includes many more aspects, such as material usage, logistics, maintenance and replacements. Future proofing is also key. What function will the car park have in the future? That’s where we meet the latest trend: circularity. The maximum re-usage of materials. Dealing with the environment responsibly is one of the most important topics during the design, development and car park building phases. CO2 emissions reduction and using energy and natural resources wisely are major concerns for us. We stand by our sustainability philosophy and implement it to the maximum throughout each project.

4. Mobility hubs

By clustering above ground car parks and mobility hubs, creating low traffic zones is a breeze in urban areas. When designing inner city car park developments, the trend of mobility hubs in combination with ground car parks is definitely on the rise.

Building plans for a new car park?


We’re here to answer all your questions. Feel free to contact us to go over our options together.