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Willy Naessens Group is committed to sustainability: innovative recycling saves CO₂ and raw materials!

The Willy Naessens Group continues to innovate and contribute to a better planet. That is why recycled aggregates from our own production waste will be incorporated into the hollow core slabs from now on.

The Willy Naessens Group is taking an important step towards a more sustainable future by incorporating recycled aggregates into the hollow core slabs. These aggregates are extracted from our own production waste. Recycling the concrete on our own sites eliminates freight traffic of waste from this concrete rubble, which also has a positive impact on CO₂ emissions. In addition, the aggregates are recycled to their full value, which means there is no question of ‘downcycling’. This makes the process even more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

The benefits of this approach are significant:

  • Less freight traffic: Using the recycled aggregates keeps no less than 630 trucks off the road every year, amounting to a saving of 96 tons of CO₂. This is comparable to 48 return flights between Brussels and New York.
  • Reduced extraction of raw materials: On an annual basis, this reduces the extraction of natural aggregate material by 17,600 tons.

These efforts show that the Willy Naessens Group is committed to sustainability. With fewer emissions, less road freight and reduced use of natural resources, the company is taking another important step towards a greener future.


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